Approve Transaction When the Next Approver Is Unavailable for SuiteApprovals
Published on
November 1, 2024 at 10:59:24 PM PDT November 1, 2024 at 10:59:24 PM PDTst, November 1, 2024 at 10:59:24 PM PDT
User may need to approve the transaction (e.g. Purchase Order) instead of the Next Approver in case that he/she is not available for approving. Even Administrator cannot approve the transaction manually.
- Navigate toTransactions>Purchases>Enter Purchases Orders>List
- ClickViewby Purchase Oder in Pending Approval status
- Result:
- Next Approver:Employee populated is not available for approval
- Approval Status:Pending Approval is not editable for Administrator
- NoApprove/Rejectbutton shown for Administrator
To achieve this an Administrator can delegate the approval to another employee within the subsidiary indefinitely or for a period of time, specified by start and end dates.
Navigate toLists>Employees>Employees
ClickEditnext to the Next Approver that is not available
ClickHuman Resourcestab
ClickApproval Delegationsubtab
Note:If this is not visible, it may be hidden on your custom Employee form. To display it customisethe form to show this subtab or switch to the standard Employee form.
Delegate Approval:EnterCheckmark
Delegate To:Select theEmployeeyou want to delegate the approval to
Example:Select particular Administrator or Supervisor
Start Date/End Date:Select theDate rangefor approval delegation
Note:Do not select a date range if you want your delegate to approve on your behalf indefinitely. You cannot back date the Start Date, but you can set it to today, and you still would be able to delegate the approval for all unapproved Purchase Orders assigned to this Next Approver in the past.
Revert it back once the Next Approver is available again