Approving Vendor Bills With Standard Vendor Bill Approval

Written by
Joyce Anne Simpao
Published on
February 19, 2024 at 10:04:10 PM PST February 19, 2024 at 10:04:10 PM PSTth, February 19, 2024 at 10:04:10 PM PST

When you use standard approvals for vendor bills, you must approve or cancel vendor bills you enter. Bill approvals can be handled on individual transactions or in bulk.

Note: Vendor bill approval requires the Vendor Bill Approval, Bills, and Find Transaction permissions.

Notes: After a bill is approved, the status cannot later be changed to Pending Approval or Canceled. Any change in status on a bill shows in the system notes for that bill.

To approve vendor bills individually:

  1. Go toTransactions > Payables > Enter Bills > List.
  2. ClickEditnext to the bill.
  3. In theApproval Statusfield, selectApproved.
  4. ClickSave.The bill can be processed for payment.

You can also set the status of a bill to Approved when you originally enter it. Then the bill is ready for payment processing when you save it.

If you set the default status of vendor bills to Approved, vendor bills you enter automatically show Approved in the Approval Status field.