Articles written by Marsha Andres
Articles written by
Marsha Andres
Last Two Item Labels Get Truncated When Printing More Than 14 Item Labels Using Basic PDF Template
The user needs to print more than 14 item labels on their A4 paper. However, when attempting to print the labels, the last two on the first page get truncated.
Use Last Purchase Price for Item Amount in Purchase Order Creation
The user aims to have the Last Purchase Price as the Item Amount when generating Purchase Orders for their items, rather than the Purchase Price.
Remove Parent-Child Relationship on Customer
When viewing the parent customer, she can see the child (subcustomer) customers under the Relationships > Subcustomers tab. The user would like to remove the relationship between the subcustomer and the parent customer record.
Change the Font to Times New Roman Using the Advanced PDF/HTML Template
There is a requirement to use Times New Roman when printing transactions using the Advanced PDF/HTML Template.
Show the Internal ID and External ID of the Record in a Custom Field
The user needs to display the customer's Internal ID and External ID as fields on their customer forms.
Cannot Find the External ID on Chart of Accounts Record
The user is unable to locate the External ID of any Chart of Account.
Change the Default Font Format of Outgoing Case Message
The Message field in the Case record is a Rich Text Format field type. Users can change the appearance of the message in terms of Font and Font Size.
Display Items with Negative Stock (Quantity On Hand) and Send Monthly Email Alert
The user needs to set up a report/search that gets emailed once per month which displays all of the stock negatives at that time.
Use External Font on Advanced PDF/HTML Template
User wants use a different Font for their Invoices since the PDF Editor cannot edit PDF files with NotoSans font. User needs to download TTF files for the font they need add to the template. For example is the Arial font. User needs Arial, Arial Bold, Arial Italic, and Arial Italic Bold TTF files.
Account Shows the Parent Account Even Though Only Show Last Subaccount Preference Is Enabled
The Account field in the transaction shows the parent account even though the Only Show Last Subaccount preference is enabled.
Extract Parent Name : Child Name of Customer Record in Transaction Saved Search
Auto-generated numbers is enabled in the Account. Customer Name appears as Name + ID + Parent Customer Name: Name (e.g. Doe, John 12345 Apple, Inc : Doe, John) in transaction search. User wants to display the Customer name in format the Parent : Child excluding the Number.
Advanced PDF/HTML Template > Print Out Displaying Previous Customer Name
The user has updated the name of a customer who has invoices in the account. This change automatically updated the name from the NetSuite Invoice Record but when they try to print the PDF, both Bill To and Ship To are still showing the old customer's name.
Round Off Custom Field to Nearest Hundredth
A user created a custom field that calculates a value to display the quotient between Quantity (standard line item field) and an Order Quantity (custom line field). However, it is rounding to infinity and they would like it to round to 2 decimal places.