Bulk Approving Vendor Bills With Standard Vendor Bill Approval
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February 27, 2024 at 12:28:21 AM PST February 27, 2024 at 12:28:21 AM PSTth, February 27, 2024 at 12:28:21 AM PST
After you enter vendor bills, any bill with a status of Pending Approval or Rejected must be set to Canceled or Approved. To save time, you can run a bulk process to approve many vendor bills at one time.
The Approve Bills page lists all bills that require approval.
To bulk process vendor bill approvals:
- Go to Transactions > Payables > Approve Bills.
- Select a vendor to filter the list of bills.
- Select a date range to filter the list of bills that show. The date range you select is reflected in the From and To fields. If you enter a different range in the From and To fields, the Date field automatically shows Custom.
- Check the box in the Approve column next to a bill to approve it. Click Mark All to select all bills for approval.
- Optionally click the Select Order Number field to enter or scan an order number.
- As you mark bills to be approved, the total is displayed in the Amount field in the header.
- Click Submit. Now, the bills you marked have a status of Approved and can be processed for payment.
Bulk Approval Queue Errors
When you are bulk approving vendor bills, it is possible for an error to occur during processing. For example, you may submit ten bills in the approval queue. The first four are processed and approved without difficulty, but the fifth bill encounters an error. In such a case, the processing immediately stops and the error is reported.
The first four bills have an Approved status. However, the fifth and subsequent bills still require approval. You should approve the fifth bill individually, and then resubmit the remaining bills (six through ten) that remain in the approval queue.