Basic Accounting
Deleting Assets
This feature lets you remove invalid assets (including its related records) from the system. You can use this feature to delete assets without associated journal entries and proposal records. If the asset has a journal entry, you must manually remove the journal entry before deleting the asset.
Make Custom Fields on Locations Inactive
The users are not allowed to customize Location Record Forms. Here are the steps to make the custom fieldsmandatory:
Make Custom Fields on Locations Mandatory
Here are the steps to make thecustom fieldsmandatory:
Resolve Error: "SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT: parse: Missing a required argument: value" in Asset Disposal
User processes Asset Disposal but it Failed with error:SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT: parse: Missing a required argument: value.
Fixed Asset Disposal > INVALID_FLD_VALUE: You have entered an Invalid Field Value 1 for the following field: custrecord_deprhistaltmethod
The user is disposing fixed asset records by Write- Off, manually in Fixed Assets > Transactions > Asset Disposal page and encounters error message: "INVALID_FLD_VALUE: You have entered an Invalid Field Value 1 for the following field: custrecord_deprhistaltmethod"
Fixed Asset Disposal Error: "USER_ERROR: Please enter value(s) for: Class"
This error is being shown if the Class field is set as Mandatory on the Journal Entry form:
Edit Fields Under the Asset Sale/Disposal Tab to Cancel a Fixed Asset Sale or Disposal
User wants to cancel a FAM Asset Sale or Disposal but the Asset Sale/Disposal tab fields on the Asset record are not editable.
Resolve Error: "Invalid Date Format" for Fixed Asset Disposal via CSV Import
User receives an error when trying to import Fixed Assets Disposal via CSV Import.
Fixed Asset Disposal Error: "Sale Error: "TRANS_UNBALNCD - Transaction was not in balance"
A user disposed fixed asset with Sale as disposal type. However, user encountered an error: "TRANS_UNBALNCD - Transaction was not in balance."
Partial Fixed Asset Disposal by an Exact Amount
User wants to partially Dispose an Asset by an exact amount to the nearest centavo. For example, the amount to dispose is 1,500.55..
Resolve Error: "INVALID_PRECALC_FIELD_VALUE: The following field(s) are inactive: Department" When Transferring an Asset From an Inactive Department to an Active Department
An asset is currently assigned in anInactive Department. To depreciate the asset, customer process anAsset Transferbut received the error.
Custom Role with Make Journal Entries Permission is Unable to See Edit Button on Journal Entry
Custom RolewithFullpermission level onMake Journal Entriescannot see theEditbutton onJournal Entry.
Create Expense Report Saved Search When Expense Report was Paid
User wants to pull out the date when an expense report was actuallypaid.
Saved Search > Expense Report with line attachment
In an existing Expense Report Saved Search, want to add the line attachment.
Create Custom Role That Is Able To Enter Memorized Transactions
An Administrator would like to have a custom role that able to enter memorized transactions.
Asset Transfer Accounts
The Fixed Assets Management SuiteApp supports multiple subsidiaries and lets you transfer assets between subsidiaries.
General Ledger Accounts for Fixed Assets Management
The Fixed Assets Management SuiteApp provides predefined general ledger accounts for fixed assets, but you can set up your existing general ledger accounts to be used with the SuiteApp.
Background Processing of Fixed Assets
To optimize application and database servers, mechanisms have been implemented to govern the usage of SuiteScript. SuiteScript thresholds are based on the volume of activity that a company's users can manually generate, as well as a provision for automated functions.
Viewing Fixed Asset Reports
You can view a list of the reports that you generated for the past 30 days from the My Reports page.