Business Intelligence
Create a Transaction Search with Foreign Currency Balance and Base Currency Balance
Users can create a transaction search that shows the Base Currency of and Foreign Currency amounts.
Amount showing under Amount (Foreign Currency) column is not equal with multiplying Amount with Exchange Rate
When doing bank reconciliation of bank accounts, accounts with Amountshowing 0.00 have values showing on the Amount (Foreign Currency) column greater than 0.00.
Display Items with Negative Stock (Quantity On Hand) and Send Monthly Email Alert
The user needs to set up a report/search that gets emailed once per month which displays all of the stock negatives at that time.
Create Open Sales Order Saved Search to Display Sales Order Internal ID
Although standard Open Sales Orders report can be customized, the option to add column specifically with Sales Order Internal ID is not available at the moment. As a workaround or alternate solution might serve a Saved Search which results would be identical to Open Sales Order Report with additional column with internal ID of the transaction.
Show User Who Logged in Using at Least 2 Different IP Addresses in a Day Via Login Audit Trail
- Navigate toLists>Search>Saved Searches>New
- New Saved Search:SelectLogin Audit Trail
- Search Title:EnterTitle
- Criteria:ClickSummary
- Summary Type:SelectCount
- Field:SelectIP Address
- IP Address:SelectGreater Than
- Value:Enter1
- ClickSet
- ClickAdd
- ClickStandard
- Filter:SelectDate
- Date:Selectwithin Today
- ClickSet
- ClickResults
- Field:SelectFormula (Date)
- Formula:EnterTO_DATE({date})
- ClickAdd
- ClickSave & Run
Business Activity Statement: Transaction Date
Customer wants to know if the Business Activity Statement is picking up Invoice Date or Invoice Posting Period.
Saved Search and Report for Number of Resources Set for a Project
1. Create the Report:
Create a Saved Search to show Bill Payment with the corresponding Bill and PO
If a user wants to track all Bill Payments created with the corresponding column for the Bill and Amount where this was applied, and down to the corresponding Purchase Orders, then the user can create this Saved Search:
Create Saved Search Showing the Number of Transactions Created per Vendor
Create a Transaction Saved Search that shows the number of Bills, Bill Payments and Purchase Order per Vendor.
Store Value of Summary Search Result
Custom fields that has values Set by aSummary Saved Searchare not stored in the database. This is because theStore Valueoption of the custom field is set to uncheck to allow the field to update its displayed value based on a Saved Search dynamically.
Extract Parent Name : Child Name of Customer Record in Transaction Saved Search
Auto-generated numbers is enabled in the Account. Customer Name appears as Name + ID + Parent Customer Name: Name (e.g. Doe, John 12345 Apple, Inc : Doe, John) in transaction search. User wants to display the Customer name in format the Parent : Child excluding the Number.
Saved Search to Pull up Base Price and Other Price Levels for a Specific Currency
User has multiple currencies setup under theSales/Pricingtab of item records and would like to create a saved search to pull up theBase PriceandPrice Levelfor a specific currency.
Saved Search to Expose all Currencies Associated with a Vendor
When users enableMulti-CurrencyforVendor, theCurrencyfield on Saved Search will only point toPrimary Currencyselected on theVendor record.
Saved Search To Show Price Level in a Currency other than the Base Currency When Multi-Currency Feature is Enabled
A user needs to show a Price Level in a Currency other than the base currency set on the account.
Display Files Attached to Records on a Transaction Saved Search
Users need to create a Saved Search todisplaythe attached Files on transaction records on a column with a live hyperlink that allows the download of the file.
Effects of Removing Access to the Owner of Report, Saved Search and Custom Record
A user wants to know the effects when the owner's access to the Saved Searches, Reports or Custom Records has been removed.
Compare Values of Multi-Select Field and List/Record Field
User have an Employee saved search and wants to compare the values of a multi-select field to a list/record field and use it as a criteria to filter the saved search results.
Balance Sheet > Amounts Incorrectly Translated from Foreign Currency to Base Currency, especially after a Currency Revaluation
Users customizes Balance Sheet to include the Amount (Foreign Currency) column and the system shows below behavior: Amount in Foreign Currency x Month-end Ending Rate* Amount in Base Currency
Saved Search to Show Fulfillment /Invoice Dates of Sales Orders in a Date Range
Create Saved Search to display the Fulfillment and Invoice applied to a Sales Order within a specific Date Range