CSV Import Update of Assembly Item Results to an Unexpected Error

Written by
Pamela Caringal
Published on
June 29, 2023 at 2:15:43 PM PDT June 29, 2023 at 2:15:43 PM PDTth, June 29, 2023 at 2:15:43 PM PDT


User is updating Assembly Item via CSV Import by navigating to Setup > Import/Export > View CSV Import Status.

Sample Scenario:

  • Message : 0 of 1 records imported successfully
  • CSV Response: An unexpected error has occurred.

Upon checking the CSV Response, user notes the error: "This item type (Assembly, subtype=) is missing a required unit parameter."

Note: Assembly may be replaced by InvtPart.


To resolve:

  1. Navigate to List > Accounting > Items > List
  2. Edit the Assembly record or Component Record
  3. Check if the following fields have values
    • Unit Type
    • Stock Units
    • Purchase Units
    • Sales Units
  4. Enter necessary values on the fields
  5. If the fields above have values and user is still experiencing the error, Edit then Save the assembly record(without making any changes)
    Note: User must also ensure that the component records have values for the same fields.
  6. Navigate back to Setup > Import/Export > Import CSV Records
  7. Retry the import