Finalise Tax Year > Car allowance is missing from MyGov Portal

Written by
Carmela Batalla
Published on
July 26, 2023 at 7:39:13 AM PDT July 26, 2023 at 7:39:13 AM PDTth, July 26, 2023 at 7:39:13 AM PDT


After finalizing the tax year, user noticed that the car allowance is not shown on the Income Statement in MyGov portal.


Before the transition to STP 2, users were advised to review all custom allowances. See Preparing for Single Touch Payroll Phase 2

The STP Type Code field on the custom allowance pay component sub type must be set. For any allowance where the STP Type Code = Other Allowances (OD, the STP Allowance Other Type field must also be set to describe what the allowance is.

For more information, please see ATO Allowances Types

To fix the issue:

a. Edit the custom allowance pay component sub type (example: car allowance)

b. Set the STP Type Code. If needed, set the STP Allowance Other Type field.

c. Click Save.

d. Navigate to JCurve Payroll > Single Touch Payroll > Send Update Pay Event

e. Set the Tax Period field.

f. Go to Other Allowance taband review if the amount of the missing allowance is shown.

g. Submit the STP Pay Event.

h. Check the Income Statement in Mygov portal.