Removing Credits From Deleted Vendor Payments

Written by
Pattranit Lakhan
Published on
November 30, 2023 at 4:11:18 PM PST November 30, 2023 at 4:11:18 PM PSTth, November 30, 2023 at 4:11:18 PM PST

It is important to understand that deleting a vendor bill payment or a customer payment does not automatically unapply credits that you have applied. If you need to delete a payment that includes bills or invoices with credits applied, you must open each credit and unapply it separately.

Vendor credits can be unapplied either before or after you delete a bill payment.

To unapply vendor credits:

  1. Go toTransactions > Payables > Enter Vendor Credits > List.

  2. ClickEditnext to the credit you want to unapply.

  3. On the Bill Credit, click theApplysubtab.

  4. Clear theApplybox next to the bill it is applied to.

  5. ClickSave.

After a vendor credit is unapplied, it can then be applied to another bill.