Saved Search for Fixed Assets and Their Remaining Lifetime Before They Fully Depreciate

Written by
John David Dy
Published on
February 29, 2024 at 8:19:27 AM PST February 29, 2024 at 8:19:27 AM PSTth, February 29, 2024 at 8:19:27 AM PST


User wants to see a list of the asset records and their remaining lifetime before they fully depreciate.


1. Navigate toLists>Search>Saved Searches>New
2. SelectFAM - Assetas theSearch Type
3. Assign aSearch Title
4. In theCriteriatab, set the following fields:
  • Asset Status = Depreciating
5. In theResultstab, set the following fields:
  • ID
  • Name
  • Asset Type
  • Current Net Book Value
  • Asset Life Time
  • Formula (Numeric) and set this formula: {custrecord_assetlifetime}-{custrecord_assetcurrentage} then assign a custom label to the field (ex. Remaining Lifetime)
6. ClickSave and Run

Note:Users can add more fields in theResultstab based on what they want to see as available columns in the search result.Remaining lifetime is in months.