Show Due Date Field on Vendor Bill Saved Search

Written by
Milkie Fernandez
Published on
November 30, 2023 at 8:30:29 AM PST November 30, 2023 at 8:30:29 AM PSTth, November 30, 2023 at 8:30:29 AM PST


The steps below is to create a Custom Date Field that will capture the value of the StandardDue DateField which can then be added on theTransaction(Vendor Bill)Saved Search.


1. Create aCustom Fieldto show the date:

1. Navigate to Customization>Lists, Records & Fields>Transaction Body Fields>New

2. Enter the following:

    1. Label:Due date
    2. Type:Date
    3. Store Value:checked

3. UnderApplies To

    1. Purchase:checked

4. ClickSave

2. Create aWorkflowto set theCustom FieldDue Date:

1. NavigateCustomization>Workflow>Workflows>New

2.Basic Information:

    1. Record Type:Transaction
    2. Sub Types =Vendor Bill
    3. Execute as Admin =checked
    4. Release Status =Released

    1. Event based: checked

4.Event Definition:

    1. On Create: checked
    2. On View or Update:checked

5. ClickSave

6. ClickNew Action

7. SelectSet Field Value

8.Basic Information:

    • Trigger On: After Record Submit
    • Field:Due date(Custom field created above)


  • Formula:{duedate}

11. Click Save

To test if theCustom Fieldis able to show the value, user may open a sampleVendor Billrecord. Edit on theVendor Billrecord thenSave. TheCustom Fieldshould have the date same as theDue DateStandard Field.

Once confirmed, in order to show the value on the custom field for all existingVendor Billrecords, user will have to perform aMass Update:

1. Navigate toLists>Mass Update>Mass Updates

2.General Updates>Transactions> Select onBill

3. Click onPreview

5. Click onPerform Update

Once this is successful, user may check one of theVendor Billrecords and see if the value has been set on theCustom Field. User may proceed to adding the Due dateCustom Fieldon theResultstab of theSaved Search.