Articles tagged #DETAIL
Articles tagged
Project Profitability Detail Report Shows "No Data Available"
Make the information on the Project Profitability Detail report show up as it shows "No Data Available" when selected even though amount are in the Summary
CSV Import on Inventory Adjustment Throws an Error: "You cannot create an inventory detail for this item"
When importing a CSV File to create or update anInventory Adjustmentrecord, an error: "You cannot create an inventory detail for this item" can be encountered when the item you are importing is not aSerial/Lot Numbered Itemor does not use bins.
Remove or Delete Bank Details on Electronic Bank Payments
There are two ways to disassociate a bank detail from the vendor record. You can either remove their link, or delete the bank detail record itself.
Entering Shipping Details
Use the following procedure to enter shipping details. These fields are available only if you use Multiple Shipping Routes.
Show the Last Log in Details of All Active Employees in a Saved Search
User needs to identify what are the roles assigned to their employees which are active and non-actively used.
Search for Entity Bank Details Without Parent Entity
Entity Bank Details are usually created from Customer or Vendor record. This way, the Entity Bank Details record is directly linked to the Customer/Vendor as its Parent Entity.
Quantity Available on Purchasing/Inventory tab is Less than Inventory Detail tab
When the quantity available onPurchasing/Inventorytab is less then the quantity available on theInventory Detailtab.
Inventory Adjustment > Click Inventory Detail > Enter Inventory Detail > The Total Inventory Detail must Be NaN
With Advanced Bin/Numbered Inventory Management enabled, create an Inventory Adjustment for an Inventory with Inventory Detail.
Checking Script Update Details in Script File
If we want to check when, what, and who changed a specific script, we may follow the steps below:
Saved Search on Inventory Count of Lot Numbered Items to Show the Inventory Numbers and Quantities on Snapshot Detail and Count Detail
- Navigate toLists>Search>Saved Searches>New
- SelectTransaction
- Search Title:EnterTitle
- ClickResults
- ClickStandard
- Filter:
- SelectType
- SelectInventory Count
- SelectItem
- Selectnot none
- SelectStatus
- SelectInventory Count:Approved,Inventory Count:Completed/Pending Approval
- SelectItem fields...
- SelectIs Lot Number
- SelectYes
- SelectIs Lot Number
- SelectFormula(Numeric)
- Formula:EnterCASE WHEN {transactionlinetype} = 'Snapshot Quantity' or {transactionlinetype} = 'Count Quantity' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
- Formula (Numeric):Selectequal to
- Value:Enter1
- Formula:EnterCASE WHEN {transactionlinetype} = 'Snapshot Quantity' or {transactionlinetype} = 'Count Quantity' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
- SelectType
- ClickResults
- ClickColumns
- Field:
- SelectDate
- SelectDocument Number
- SelectItem
- SelectFormula(Text)
- Formula:EnterCASE WHEN {transactionlinetype} = 'Snapshot Quantity' THEN {inventorydetail.inventorynumber} ELSE null END
- Custom Label:EnterSnapshot Lot Number
- SelectFormula(Text)
- Formula:EnterCASE WHEN{transactionlinetype} = 'Snapshot Quantity' THEN {inventorydetail.quantity} ELSE null END
- Custom Label:EnterSnapshot Quantity
- SelectFormula(Text)
- Formula:EnterCASE WHEN {transactionlinetype}='Count Quantity' THEN {inventorydetail.inventorynumber} ELSE null END
- Custom Label:EnterCount Lot Number
- SelectFormula(Text)
- Formula:EnterCASE WHEN {transactionlinetype}='Count Quantity' THEN {inventorydetail.quantity} ELSE null END
- Custom Label:EnterCount Quantity
- ClickAdd
- ClickSave & Run
Print Inventory Detail Using Source Code View in Print Packing Slip
Print the Inventory Detail column on the Packing Slip using the Source Code View.
Electronic Payments > Add Permission to a Custom Role to View Entity Bank Details
Electronic Payments > Add Permission to a Custom Role to View Entity Bank Details
Resolve error: "Please configure the inventory detail for xxx" when saving Bill transaction
Customer has an existing Bill that they wanted to edit but upon saving, below error occurs:"Please configure the inventory detail for xxx"Note: The Bill form has theInventory Detailfield exposed. When viewing the Bill, the Inventory Detail logo ischecked/marked, but when editing, the details in the Inventory Detail field disappears and the logo is already unmarked. Moreover, the related Purchase Order and Item Receipt have the Inventory Details configured in them.
Resolve Error: "The Total Inventory Detail Quantity Must Be XXX" when partially billing a purchase order
User encounters error above when partially billing a purchase order.
Mandatory Name Field on Entity Bank Details Record
Since versionElectronic Bank Payments 2018.2 there were implemented several changes, one of which is the added mandatoryNamefield on theEntity Bank Detailsform and the ability to process payments usingSecondaryBank Accounts.