Articles tagged #INVALID
Articles tagged
Post Time Entries > Error Message: "Invalid Account Reference Key on Currency XX"
An error is being generated when posting time: "Invalid Account Reference Key on Currency XXX"
Resolve Revalue Standard Cost Error: "Invalid Item Reference key XXXX for subsidiary X"
Lists>Accounting>Revalue Standard Cost Inventory-- Result:Failed: Invalid Item Reference key XXXX for subsidiary X
Resolve Error: "INVALID_FLD_VALUE: You have entered an Invalid Field Value XX for the following field: custrecord_assetregister_src_asset"
- Go toList>Search>Saved Searches>New
- ClickFAM Asset
- Search Title: Input title of your search
- Standard Tab>Filter> Search forInactive :clickYes,clickSet
- Results Tab: Make sure to check thatComponent Ofis added
- ClickSave & Run
In order to get rid of the error, you can inactivate the related component record, or you will have to activate the existing inactive component FAM record before running the report.
How to Handle Fixed Assets that were Generated Erroneously
An elimination Journal includes an Asset account and erroneously generates an asset through an Asset Proposal.
Deleting Assets
This feature lets you remove invalid assets (including its related records) from the system. You can use this feature to delete assets without associated journal entries and proposal records. If the asset has a journal entry, you must manually remove the journal entry before deleting the asset.
Resolve Error: "INVALID_PRECALC_FIELD_VALUE: The following field(s) are inactive: Department" When Transferring an Asset From an Inactive Department to an Active Department
An asset is currently assigned in anInactive Department. To depreciate the asset, customer process anAsset Transferbut received the error.
Resolve Error: "Invalid Reference Key XXX Accounts Payable for Subsidiary X" on Purchase Order CSV Import
When uploading a Purchase Order via CSV Import and the errorInvalid Reference Key XXX Accounts Payable for Subsidiary Xis encountered, this is because the Accounts Payable used is not available on the User Interface. This is usually populated by an Asset or an Expense account. Field mapping as follows: