Articles tagged #PROFITABILITY
Articles tagged
Project Profitability Detail Report Shows "No Data Available"
Make the information on the Project Profitability Detail report show up as it shows "No Data Available" when selected even though amount are in the Summary
Project Profitability Report > Employee Column
User would like to show an Employee Column consisting of First and Last Name on the Project Profitability Report.
Custom Role Cannot Access Project Profitability Report
User with a custom role cannot access the Project Profitability report.
Journal Entries not Available in the Customer Profitability Report
The user creates a Customer Profitability Report by going to Reports > Customers/Receivables > Customer Profitability. However, journal entries are not available on the report.
Displaying Approved Time as Actual Costs in Advanced Project Profitability Report
When creating project profitability configurations, theTreat Tracked & Approved Timeas Actual Costpreference enables you to select approved time as actual costs without posting time. You can also display tracked and approved time as actual costs on the P&L subtab. Displaying approved time as actual costs ensures the estimate at completion and estimate to complete calculations are more accurate.
Creating Custom Project Profitability Reports
Advanced Project Profitability uses filters to map accounts and items to specific columns and rows within a custom project profitability report. The feature comes with a standard configuration of account and item mappings. You can edit and customize the standard configuration and create custom profitability reports to fit your business needs. You can create multiple configurations. All of your project profitability reports are located at Reports > Projects > Project Profitability Reports.
Resolve: "An Unexpected Error Occurred" When Viewing Project
- Re-toggle theAdvanced Project Profitabilityfeature to retrieve the standard configuration:
- Navigate toSetup > Company > Enable Features
- ClickCompany
- Advanced Project Profitability: EnterCheckmark
- ClickSave
Note:This will automatically retrieve the standard configuration in the Project Profitability setup page
- Create a new configuration:
- Navigate toSetup > Accounting > Project Profitability
- ClickConfigurations
- ClickNew
- Define all settings as needed
- ClickFinish
Note:After saving, user will be redirected to Project Profitability Setup page - P&L Default:select the created configuration
- ClickSubmit