Articles tagged #VALUE
Articles tagged
Custom Segment > Making a Value Inactive by Clicking Manage Values
In some cases, you may not have permission to edit segments, but you do have permission to edit values for a segment. In these cases, to make a value inactive, you must open a page designed specifically for managing the value. You get to this page by viewing the segment definition and clicking the button labeled Manage Values.
Print Picking Ticket Status on Sales Order Changed from True to False
User wants to change thePrint Picking Ticket Statusunder theSystem InformationofSales Orderfrom T to F
Create Saved Search of Fixed Assets Without Asset Values
Asset Value records are normally generated by NetSuite upon Asset creation. User needs to find Asset records that do not have any related Asset Value records.
Resolve Revalue Standard Cost Error: "Invalid Item Reference key XXXX for subsidiary X"
Lists>Accounting>Revalue Standard Cost Inventory-- Result:Failed: Invalid Item Reference key XXXX for subsidiary X
Mapping Asset Values to FAM Reports
When you customize your asset report templates, you must make sure that the Asset Values record is updated accordingly. If you have included any of the following fields in your asset report template, you must edit the report line to update the source values:
Store Value of Summary Search Result
Custom fields that has values Set by aSummary Saved Searchare not stored in the database. This is because theStore Valueoption of the custom field is set to uncheck to allow the field to update its displayed value based on a Saved Search dynamically.
Resolve Error: "INVALID_FLD_VALUE: You have entered an Invalid Field Value XX for the following field: custrecord_assetregister_src_asset"
- Go toList>Search>Saved Searches>New
- ClickFAM Asset
- Search Title: Input title of your search
- Standard Tab>Filter> Search forInactive :clickYes,clickSet
- Results Tab: Make sure to check thatComponent Ofis added
- ClickSave & Run
In order to get rid of the error, you can inactivate the related component record, or you will have to activate the existing inactive component FAM record before running the report.
Transfer Values from a Multiselect Field to Another Custom Multi Select Field via Script
To be able to transfer values from a field to another field via script.
Unselect or Deselect All Values to Make the Field Blank in Multi Select Field
Multi Select Field does not have a blank option. Users are unable to unselect/deselect all values to make the field blank.
Resolve Error: "INVALID_PRECALC_FIELD_VALUE: The following field(s) are inactive: Department" When Transferring an Asset From an Inactive Department to an Active Department
An asset is currently assigned in anInactive Department. To depreciate the asset, customer process anAsset Transferbut received the error.
Setting the Store Value Field
On page load and page save, dynamic defaults are evaluated and each NetSuite tag is substituted. For these substitutions to be made each time, the Store Value box for the custom field must be cleared.