Update Status of Closed Purchase Contract

Written by
Pattranit Lakhan
Published on
December 22, 2023 at 9:32:42 AM PST December 22, 2023 at 9:32:42 AM PSTnd, December 22, 2023 at 9:32:42 AM PST


User needs to update a Purchase Contract but it is already Closed.


You can change a status of a closed Purchase Contract by adding or making copy of the Item/s of the transaction.

To Add an Item

1. Navigate toTransactions>Purchases>Enter Purchase Contracts>List

2. ClickEdit

3. ClickItemssubtab

4. ClickItemssublist

5.Item: EnterItem

Note:Click Add button after each of the Item to be added.

6. ClickSave

To Copy an Item

1. Navigate toTransactions>Purchases/Vendors>Enter Purchase Contracts>List

2. ClickEdit

3. ClickItemssubtab

4. ClickItemssublist

5.ClickItem:ClickMake Copy

6. ClickItem: ClickRemove

Note:This is the same Item in Step 5. You have to remove this becausesystem will throw error "Each item can only be used once in a contract."

7. ClickSave