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NetSuite Release 2024.2 - Release Preview
The Release Preview account enables you to become familiar with the new features in an upcoming release. You can verify that your existing business workflows function as expected before your production account is upgraded to the new NetSuite release. You can also use the Release Preview account to test and ensure your NetSuite account and any associated applications are not dependent on a specific data center to store data. The goal is to provide a smooth and seamless transition to a new release. By making this information available, and providing other needed guidance, you will avoid any major problems or surprises when you go live with the new version.
NetSuite Release 2024.2 - Pre-Release Tasks
As part of NetSuite’s commitment to continual product improvement, two software updates are scheduled for each year. This article contains important information regarding the Release Preview environment and how to prepare your account for the new release.
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Last Two Item Labels Get Truncated When Printing More Than 14 Item Labels Using Basic PDF Template
The user needs to print more than 14 item labels on their A4 paper. However, when attempting to print the labels, the last two on the first page get truncated.
Bulk Approving Vendor Bills With Standard Vendor Bill Approval
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Pending Approval Vendor Bills Missing in the Approve Bills Page
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Use Last Purchase Price for Item Amount in Purchase Order Creation
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Remove Parent-Child Relationship on Customer
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Custom Roles Added to the Employee Record Are Not Showing up on the View All Roles Link
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Lists>Accounting>Revalue Standard Cost Inventory-- Result:Failed: Invalid Item Reference key XXXX for subsidiary X
Approving Vendor Bills With Standard Vendor Bill Approval
When you use standard approvals for vendor bills, you must approve or cancel vendor bills you enter. Bill approvals can be handled on individual transactions or in bulk.
Vendor Bill Related Records Show Payments Have No Document Number Detail on Number Column
How to Set Up an Authenticator App for 2FA Settings
As ofMarch 1, 2023, users setting up or resetting their 2FA configurations are highly encouraged to install and use the Authenticator App option to generate verification codes.
When user tries to fulfill a Sales Order, a notice pops up with a message,"The number of bins entered (xx) is not equal to the item quantity (xx)."
Customer Saved Search Shows Total Sales for Both Parent and Child Customers
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Error: "Invalid custrecord_propdisposalitem reference key xx" During Asset Proposal
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