User would like to send an email to the customer upon saving the Sales Order. In addition to that, an additional document must be included alongside the PDF file.
Saved search feature can be used to send out emails to customers. However, this feature does not include the transaction PDF attachment. In addition to that, while Mass Update feature includes the transaction PDF attachment, you cannot include another document as an attachment.
I. Create a Workflow
1. Navigate via Customization > Workflow > Workflows > New
2. Enter a Name for your workflow.
3. On Record Type field, select Transaction.
4. On Subtypes field, select the transaction types you prefer e.g Sales Order, Estimate, Invoice etc
5. Enable EXECUTE AS ADMIN checkbox.
6. On Release Status field, you may leave it as Testing for now unless you're done testing this then you may select Released.
7. On Keep Instance and History, select Always then enable ENABLE LOGGING checkbox.
8. Under Event Definition section, enable ON CREATE checkbox so only new transactions will be included on this workflow.
9. Click Save.
10. On the Workspace, double-click STATE 1 box.
11. Click New Action button.
12. Select Send Email link. On TRIGGER ON drop-down, select After Record Submit.
13. Under Parameters, select your preferred Sender (From email address).
14. Select your preferred Recipient. Preferably, choose FROM FIELD, under Record (Join Field), select Customer and under Field, select E-mail. This will allow the system to send the emails specifically to the customer record's EMAIL field.
Note: You may choose Specific Recipient then select yourself if you need to see how the email looks like first.
15. Under Content, you may choose your desired template under Template field.
16. Under Attachment, kindly include your additional document on File field by clicking + icon. Enable AVAILABLE WITHOUT LOGIN checkbox then select a Folder.
Note: This may be a zipped folder in case you need multiple files in one document.
17. Enable INCLUDE TRANSACTION checkbox then select PDF on Type.
Note: This will be your transaction PDF.
18. Click Save.
19. Exit the Workflow State.
You may now try to create a new transaction based on the subtypes you selected. Upon saving, the email should be sent including the transaction PDF and added documents.