If you have enabled preferences to use per-line classes, departments, locations, or custom segments, you can customize transaction forms to identify the classification at both the header and line level at the same time.
To customize a form to identify a classification at both the header and line level, navigate via Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms. Then follow the steps below to choose which fields appear on the form and whether they are mandatory.
If updating an existing form, you may click Edit on the custom form, otherwise, click Customise a standard form based on your preferred transaction type.
On th Screen Fields tab > under Main subtab:
Show column – Check the box next to Class, Department, or Location to use the fields in the transaction header.
Mandatory column – Check the box next to Class, Department, or Location to require the header field to be completed on this form.
On the subtab Sublist Fields, check the box in the Show column next to Class, Department, or Location to use the fields on individual transaction lines.
Complete other fields as necessary.
Click Save.
The classification fields you have indicated are available for use when you use the customized form.