You can view the list of financial institution records. If a record is not complete or requires updates, you can click Edit or View next to the record in the list.
To view financial institution records:
Go toSetup > Accounting > Financial Institutions > List.
NetSuite displays the Financial Institutions page.
To filter the list of financial institutions:
To view a list that includes inactive records, click Show Inactives.
To sort by the Name column, click the column header.
You can do the following:
To inactivate the financial institution record, check the Inactive box. You do not need to open the record to inactivate it.
Click Edit next to an existing financial institution record to modify the fields on the record.
To modify or add format profiles, go to the financial institution record in View mode.
Click View next to an existing financial institution record to view the individual record and modify or add format profiles.
Click New Financial Institution to add a new financial institution record.
NetSuite displays the Financial Institution page.