Item Fulfillment is not generated after the items were picked and staged using WMS Mobile App. The related Pick Task record has includes the error message and the following details:
- Pick Task status = In Progress
- Line Item status = Failed
- Line Item Failure Reason = Failed to generate item fulfillment record
The number on the error is the internal ID of the Outbound Staging Bin. This error is encountered when there is negative quantity on hand or zero quantity available in the Outbound Staging Bin to generate an Item Fulfillment.
Users can check which items have negative quantity by creating a saved search.
- Go to Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New
Click Inventory Balance
Search Title: Enter Title
Note: For every required field use the drop-down menu to select it or click Add if needed.-
Select Bin Number
Bin Number: Select any of
Note: Select the affected Outbound Staging Bin -
Click Set
Select On Hand
On Hand: Select less than
Value: Enter 0
Click Set
Click Save & Run
After verifying what item has negative quantity on hand or not enough quantity available in the Outbound Staging Bin, user can create an Inventory Adjustment to correct the quantity.
Once there is already available quantity on the Outbound Staging Bin for the item, user can go back to the Pick Task and click the Retry Updates button. The Item Fulfillment should now be generated successfully.