User wants to create a customized graph illustration from Standard Financial Report.
To be able to customized financial report graphs to display amounts per period, user may follow these steps:
- Navigate to Reports > Financial > Balance Sheet
- Click Customize
- Add Net Amount Column
- Add Region Column
User now generates a graph with net amount per month by setting the following filters:
Date = Custom
From = Any period
To = Any period
Subsidiary Context = Any subsidiary
Column = Month - Click the Graph icon
- Set the desired month
Note: The system only shows monthly graph not a year divided into month graph - User now generates a graph with net amount per quarter by setting the following filters:
Date = Custom
From = Any period
To = Any period
Subsidiary Context = Any subsidiary
Column = Quarter - Click the Graph icon
- Set the desired quarter
Note: The system only shows quarterly graph with the months comprising the quarter not a year divide into quarter. - User now generates a graph with net amount per region by setting the following filters:
Date = Custom
From = Any period
To = Any period
Subsidiary Context = Any subsidiary
Column = Total - Click the Graph icon
- Set this filters:
Bar graph
Show = Region vs. Amount (Net)
Note: It is not possible for the system to create a graph including all months in a year. We cannot include all months in a single graph. You can be able to choose specific months or quarters. Once you set the value of the Column in the report page to month or quarter, you can be able to set the Y-axis in the graph to the specific month or quarter.