User is receiving a Permission Violation error message when attaching file, which isn't located in the File Cabinet, to an email.
The reason why this message appears after uploading an attachment file and clicking the Save button, is because of the restriction which has been applied to the Attachments Sent folder.
In order to allow attaching local files to Emails, the Administrator needs to manage the access restrictions of the Attachments Sent folder, by following these steps:
- Navigate to Documents > Files > File Cabinet
- Attachments Sent folder: Click Edit
- Restrict by fields: Select the appropriate Class, Department, Location, Subsidiary or Group
Note: If all users are to be allowed, clear the values on these fields. If several departments are to be granted this allowance, an Administrator needs to create an Employee Group (Lists tab > Relationships > Groups > New), and select it in the Restrict by Group field. - Click Save