Quantity based pricing lets you automatically apply different sales prices to items that depend on the quantity being sold. This enables you to offer discounts to customers who buy in bulk.
To enable quantity pricing:
Go to Setup > Company > Enable Features.
On the Transactions subtab, check the Quantity Pricing box.
Click Save.
After you enable the feature, you should set your accounting preferences for quantity pricing.
To set quantity pricing preferences:
Go to Setup > Accounting > Preferences > Accounting Preferences.
Click the Items/Transactions subtab.
In the Maximum # of Quantity-based Price Levels field, enter a number to set a limit for the quantity-based price levels assigned to each item.
These quantities appear as columns on the Sales/Pricing subtab of item records.
To enter different discounts for each price level, check the Allow Quantity Discounts per Price Level on Schedules box.
Click Save.
Now, you can enter your prices on the Sales/Pricing subtab of item records.