Set Up Preferred Packing Slip for Specific Role.
Some users may want to assign different Packing Slip Templates for specific roles, but do not want that template to be defaulted for all users. To be able to assign a Packing Slip Template to a role, follow the below steps.
1. Navigate to Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms
2. Click Edit link on the Preferred Sales Order
3. Rename the Sales Order Form
4. On Linked Forms Tab > Packing Slip dropdown box > Select the Packing Slip Template you want to assign
5. Unmark Form is Preferred checkbox
6. Click Save As
7. Navigate to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles
8. Click Edit link on the Role you want to assign the Packing Slip Template to
9. On Forms tab > Check the Preferred checkbox on the Sales Order Form previously created
10. Click Save
11. Users that log-in using that role should now have the Packing Slip Template assigned to them