Auto-generating numbered records and adding prefixes and suffixes to records and transactions enables you to know the record or transaction’s type and estimated age at a glance.
To set up Auto Generated Numbers:
1. Navigate to the Setup drop down.
2. Click Company.
3. Select Auto-Generated Numbers.
Note: The below is showing the Transactions sub tab.
4. Prefix – Enter any letters or numbers that you want to appear in front of every record number of this type.
5. Suffix – Enter any letters or numbers you want to appear after every record number of that type.
6. Minimum Digits – Enter the lowest number of digits you want in your auto-generated numbering code. Valid values for this field range from 0–20
7. Initial Number – Enter the number you want your first numbered record to be.
8. Current Number – This is the number of the latest transaction.
9. Allow Override – Check the box to be able to enter your own name or number on records.
10. Update – Check the box to assign a number to all existing records of that type, starting with the next available number or the number you enter in the Initial Number column, whichever is higher. When your existing records are numbered, the former name moves to the Company Name field on that record. If theCompany Name field is already filled, the former name displays next to the new number.
11. Click Save.
For some entity and CRM record types, you can enable the Allow Override option to permit users to manually enter numbers other than the auto-generated numbers. Be aware that overwriting these record type numbers permits users to create duplicate numbers or numbering gaps. Use this feature with caution.
After a manual override in a number sequence, the next auto-generated number follows the higher number in the series.
For example, the most recently created record has an auto-generated number of 53. Someone creates a record and manually assigns it number 05. The next record created is automatically assigned number 54.
For example, if customer record number 101 is overwritten and set to 1001, auto-generated numbers begins at 1002.
Additionally, when a record number is manually overwritten with a higher value, auto-generated numbers begins at the next sequential number. Use this feature with caution.