A purchase order can be raised and sent to your vendor, as a formal means of ordering stock and keeping a record of the items you expect to receive.
Using purchase orders, you can track the items received and items outstanding from your vendors. The below process will take you through entering purchase orders individually:
- Go to the Transactions drop down
- Go to Purchases/Vendors
- Select Enter Purchase Orders
- Select the Vendor from this drop down list
- If needed for further reporting, you can enter the Receive By date, indicating when you expect to receive the goods from the vendor
- If you are using JCurve Advanced Features, you may see an additional Expenses sub-tab. To enter your items without entering expenses, click the Items sub-tab
On the Items sub-tab:
- Enter your item details
- Click the Add button after entering the details
- Click the Save button
Note: You can also use the department and class fields, if you track items by these methods.
Once you receive the goods from your vendor, you can use the Receive Purchase Order function keep a record of this.