Users can utilize Custom Item Fields to display multiple types of information for an item on the Web Store. With this method, users can display multiple Descriptions, Marketing Information, or Images through the use of an Attribute tag for Custom Fields.
For images, users can use a custom Item Field of Type = Hyperlink, and use the dynamic URL to source the image on the web store with an IMG tag.
If an image URL sourced from an Attribute tag does not display on the web store even if the image displays when the user copies and pastes the URL directly on the web browser, there is an extra special character on the custom Item field which causes the URL to not load correctly.
This special character is hidden in plain sight and only appears as a space on the field. This usually happens when the URLs are copied directly from a Text Editor with formatting such as Microsoft Word.
Once the Attribute tag retrieves this data from the custom Item field, the special character is converted into ASCII format and added to the original URL, generating an incorrect URL for the image, which causes it not to display.
Users can verify if there is an extra special character on the custom Item field by highlighting the entire URL while in View Mode. Once verified, the user can edit the Item record, and remove the extra character to have the image displayed correctly.