In this article you can find alternate solution for Enhancement 576715. Currently, NetSuite system only allows Vendor Prepayment records to be applied on Open Bills.
You can offset the Deposits and Balance of the Vendor Prepayment either by creating a dummy Vendor Bill or by lowering the amount of Vendor Prepayment.
To create Dummy Vendor Bill
Note: This will only be feasible if you do not mind the movement in Accounts Payable account. But all in all, the GL impact is clear and accurate.
Create Dummy Vendor Bill
Navigate to Transactions > Payables > Enter Bills
Vendor: Populate the same vendor with the transactions affected
Click Expenses and Items
Click Expenses
Account: Select a dummy expense account
Note: The dummy expense account to be used can be anything like a dummy expense account or miscellaneous account. It won't matter since its going to be reversed immediately. -
Amount: Enter the amount similar to the value of the Vendor Prepayment
Apply the Bill created to the Vendor Prepayment
Click View on the Vendor Prepayment record
Click Apply button
Click Apply tab
Apply: Check the box for the Vendor Bill created
Click Save
Create a Journal Entry
Navigate to Transactions > Financial > Make Journal Entries
Click Lines
Debit: Cash/Bank
Credit: Dummy Expense account selected on the Bill created
Click Save
To Lower Vendor Prepayment Amount and create Cashback and Deposit/or use Journal Entry
Delete Vendor Prepayment Application for Vendor Bill
Click Edit
Click Actions
Click Delete
Are you sure you want to delete this transaction?: Click OK
Edit Vendor Prepayment and lower amount similar to the Bill
Apply Bill to the Vendor Prepayment
Note: Status becomes Fully Applied -
Create a dummy transaction to replace the overpaid amount in original Prepayment - Deposit > Cashback subtab / or Journal Entry
Create a Bank Deposit (Other Deposits subtab) /or Journal Entry to record the returned money and clear the GL impact with transaction from step 4
Note: Any dummy expense account can be used for the balancing account - like a holding account.