Add a nexus to a subsidiary if the subsidiary has a valid registration to collect tax in that nexus (tax jurisdiction).
Remove a nexus from a subsidiary only if the subsidiary does not have any transactions associated with the nexus. If the subsidiary has transactions associated with the nexus, NetSuite displays an error message containing a list of those transactions. To remove the nexus from the subsidiary, you must delete or modify those transactions. Click each transaction in the error message to view the transaction record.
To add or remove nexuses from a subsidiary:
Go to Setup > Company > Subsidiaries.
Click the Edit link next to a subsidiary.
Click the Nexuses subtab.
To add a nexus:
Select a nexus from the list on an empty row.
Click Add.
Only nexuses that have been created in NetSuite are listed.
To remove a nexus:
Click the row for the nexus.
Click Remove.
Click Save.