To create a saved search that pulls up items wherein stock levels are "at or below reorder point", the steps are as follows:
1. Navigate to Transactions > Management > Saved Searches > New
2. Select Item and you'll be navigated to Item Saved Search page.
3. Under the Criteria subtab, enter the following:
a. Formula (Text)
formula: case when nvl({locationreorderpoint},0) > = nvl({locationquantityonorder},0)+nvl({locationquantityavailable},0) then 0 else null end
value: is not empty
b. Location Reorder Point | Description : is not empty
4. Under the Results subtab hit Remove All button then enter the follwoing:
- Field : Name
- Field: Display Name
- Field: Inventory Location Fields... > Name
- Field: Location Available
- Field: Location On Order
- Field: Location On Hand
- Field: Location Reorder Point
5. Edit Search Title and hit Save and Run.
***The Location Reorder Point is mandatory to have a proper tracking of the to order item on a location level.