The result of the Saved search is showing a different date. (i.e. Transactions Dated today is showing the transactions dated Yesterday).
To resolve this, user should change the time zone settings. It might be on his/her personal preferences or Company information time zone setup.
1. To set it only on your Personal settings. Go to Home > Set Preference > General > Time Zone
2. Set it to "GMT+10:00) Canbe...Melbourne, Sydney..." or your Company Time Zon. This depends on the Server timezone where the company database is residing.
3. Save
4. For all user settings. Go to Setup > Company > Company Information > Time Zone
5. Else, if you want to retain your current time zone settings. You may add this formula below in your Saved search Criteria.
CASE WHEN TO_CHAR({startdate},'MM/DD') = TO_CHAR({today},'MM/DD') then 1 else 0 end