This is to show the list of Customers that use Custom Item Price Level:
1. Navigate to Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches > New
2. Choose Customer as the search type.
3. Under Criteria tab > Standard subtab, add the following fields as parameters:
a. Inactive = F (Filter the search to view only active customers)
b. Pricing Item = None of > choose from the list None (Filter the search to view customers who have Item Pricing set under Financial tab > Item Pricing subtab)
**Optional: To further customize the filter for Item Pricing Level = Custom only, add the following:
c. Add Formula (Text) = in the popup window, add the following details:
Formula = {itempricinglevel}
Formula (Text) = choose "is" in the dropdown
Value = Custom
4. Under Results tab > Columns subtab, add the following fields:
-- Name (Name of the Customer), summary type = Group
-- Pricing Item, summary type = Group
-- Item Pricing Level, summary type = Group
-- Item Pricing Unit Price , summary type = Group
5. Make sure to sort it by Name or Pricing Item.
6. Enter the search title
7. Click on Save & Run