We can close a sales order and re-open it by checking the box for Closed in the line item column. Unchecking the box and saving the sales order does not change the status and keeps Closed.
To re-open the Sales Order, consider the steps below as to when this might happen:
1. Order Verification Settings for the Credit Card Gateway
- Navigate to Setup > Accounting > Payment Processing Profiles
- Edit the merchant account
- Look for the Credit Card Verification (CSC) Rules tab > set the condition for CSC Not Submitted = Cancel Order. (This is just for testing purposes. Any condition can be set)
- Hit Save
2. Create a Sales Order without authorizing the credit card yet
3. Proceed in fulfilling the Sales Order
4. Go back to the sales order and edit this. This time, fill in the credit card details and authorize it
Note: To force the sales order into payment hold, do not enter a CSC or CVV as we authorize the sales order based on the Order Verification Settings in step 1.
5. Notice that the status of the Sales Order is Closed and not Cancelled
The sales order that has already been fulfilled will no longer have a Cancelled status.
In general, Cancelled status is available only when an order has not been approved yet or when the result of a condition in the AVS or CSC Rules is not met.
In this case, the sales order has already been fulfilled, thus, Cancelled status is no longer an option. This is replaced with Closed status instead.
In this scenario, even if the status says Closed, we can no longer edit and re-open the sales order. This is because the sales order is good as cancelled and cancelled orders can no longer be retrieved.
Alternate Solution:
Make a copy of the Sales Order.