Some users cannot select other Fiscal Years from the dropdown list. This is caused by a Fiscal year that has not been setup.
To setup Accounting Periods:1) Using an Administrator role, navigate to Setup > Accounting > Manage Accounting Periods.
2) Click on Set Up Full Year button located at the upper left portion of the page.
3) Enter the details of the year to be set up:
- Field help is available on the page.
- Enter the First Fiscal Month (Enter the month to begin a fiscal year.)
- Fiscal Year End = 2018 (for example)
- Period Format (Calendar months, for example)
- Year in Period Name (Select whether the starting or ending year is used in the fiscal period name)
4) Click Save.
Note: To ensure that changes will take effect, log out of NetSuite then log back in.
Setup Budget for Fiscal Year that you just setup above:
1) Navigate to Transactions > Financial > Setup Budgets.
2) On the Year field, choose the Financial year setup above.
3) Set Budget Category, if applicable.
4) Set other fields, as necessary.
5) Save Budget.