The Total Revenue in Standard Sales by Customer Report does not tally with the Revenue in the Income Statement Report.
In most cases, the main reason why Financial Statement Report balances like the Income Statement do not coincide with the Balance of some Non-Financial Statement Reports is because of Report Design differences.
Financial Statement Reports, in general, are Account Type specific. Balances derived from these Reports are based on how specific Account Types are grouped; whereas, Non-Financial Statement Reports have varying Predefined Settings created within the system depending on the Purpose and Nature of the report in which most are tied up to particular Transactions or Type of Transactions.
With this, we may Create a Saved Search that groups the Revenue-related Balances associated to each Customer to get the Total Revenue that matches the Income Statement Report. Below are the steps to create this Search:
1. Navigate to Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches > New
2. Select Transaction
3. Click Criteria
4. Click Standard
5. Filters:
- Account Type is Income
- Posting is true
- Customer/Project: Entity Type is Customer
6. Click Results
7. Select Sort by Name
8. Select Then by Account
9. Select Then by Date
10. Mark Show Totals
11. Click Columns
12. Fields | Summary Type
- Name | Group
- Date
- Type
- Number
- Account
- Amount (Gross) | Sum
13. Click Available Filters
14. Select Date
15. Mark Show in Footer next to the Date Field added
16. Click Save & Run
Notes: Remove Criteria Customer/Project Fields : Entity Type is Customer if user needs to display the Total Balance in the Report equal to that of the Income Statement balance for Sales. The discrepancy signifies that there are Transactions recorded that impact Sales Accounts but are either tied up to a different Entity other than the Customer or no Entity Type is associated to it at all. Transactions that are not associated to a certain Entity Type are grouped under: -None-. If the Saved Search takes too long to pull up the results, use may specify a shorter date range.