User would like to send bulk invoice to customers but invoices with no outbound email yet.
User can create following Mass Update > Bulk Email of Invoices that have not been emailed, filtered by time frame:
1. Lists > Mass Update > Mass Updates.
2. Expand + Transactions, then select Bulk Email link.
3. Rename your Title of Action.
4. Click Save.
5. View your saved update via Lists > Mass Update > Saved Mass Update then click your title of action.
6. On Criteria subtab > Standard sublist, add the following fields and select their value below::
a. Type field = Invoice
b. Main Line field = Yes
c. Date field = configure it based on your preference.
d. Formula (Text) field > On pop up window set following fields:
i. Formula =
ii. Formula(Text) = is empty
7. Click Set button.
Sample of Criteria setup:
Note: You may add any other fields to narrow down the results (e.g. Date)
8. On Results subtab (optional and for the purpose of reviewing the results easier):
a. Click Remove All button
b. Choose column fields to be displayed in results (e.g. Document Number, Date, Name)
Sample of Results setup:
9. Under Recipients tab, ensure to prioritize Customer Email as your First Email Address. If the email could not be delivered to customer email due to network or bounce issues, it will go straight to the Second Email Address which is the Transaction Email then Third Email Address if second email fails to receive it.
Sample of Message setup:
10. Last but not the least, Message subtab. This is where you can add your email Subject and message manually or you may select your own Email Template for this.
11. Click Preview button to review if the results are correct before sending the email.
Note: If you wish to only send one invoice only as a sample, you may untick APPLY box for each and only check the ones you need. As a sample below, only one invoice is selected to be send out.
Sample Email
Previewing your mass update provides you time to review the result first which is the invoices without outbound email yet.
Once you click Perform Update button, the system will then sends out emails including the Invoice PDF as well based on the list you can see from the results with their corresponding customers. It is best practice to try this out on a test invoice record first to see how it looks like before doing for the rest of the invoice.