1. The Item Receipt must be tied up with the PO (specifically the quantity).
- Purchase Order with Billed Quantity Ordered will have a Pending Billing Status if the Quantity Received is more than the Quantity Billed.
- To verify, we have to show the Received Column by navigating to Customize > Customize Form > Sublist Fields tab > Mark show for Received > Save.
- It would be logical to have a Pending Billing Status as we still need to bill the excess of Quantity Received less Quantity Billed.
2. If a Purchase Order which is Fully Billed has a Status of Pending Billing, there could be one Item which has a total cost of $0.00. It was not Billed but it was Received.
- In order for the Status of the Purchase Order to be Fully Billed the quantity of Items Received must be the same as the Quantity of the Items Billed regardless of the cost of each Item and/or Expense.
3. Usually, a customer would only partially bill a Purchase Order based on their business process.
However, if the Purchase Order involves Expense Lines and it is only partially billed, the status will be set to Fully Billed and Bill button will not be available anymore. Thus, there is no way to bill the Purchase Order again for the remaining amount.
This is logged as a limitation in the system: (Enhancement #158732 Transactions> Purchases/ Vendors> Bill Purchase Orders with expense line items > Requests to allow partial billing and receipt)
Another workaround can be applied so that another Bill will be created for the remaining amount of the Purchase Order
- Open the Bill of the Purchase Order
- Hover over to Actions
- Click Make Copy
- Edit the Amount of the Bill to reflect the correct Amount to be billed
- Click Save
- The newly created Bill thru Make Copy will be a Related Record of the Purchase Order and vice versa.
4. Most users think that Bill Purchase Orders is the right permission to be added to be able to show the Bill button and create Bills from Purchase Orders.
This however, is not true.
The Bill Purchase Orders permission is added for the role to have access to the Bill Purchase Orders page from Transactions > Payables > Bill Purchase Orders.
Note: The Bill Purchase Orders permission should come along with the Bills permission.
Missing Bill button happens when there is no enough permission on the role to create Bills.
- To resolve, follow the steps below:
1. Login as Administrator
2. Go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles
3. Edit the Role
4. On Permissions tab > Transactions subtab, add Bill
5. Set Level to at least Create
6. Save