When doing bank reconciliation via Transactions>Bank>Reconcile Account Statement, you can import your bank data in Netsuite.
Follow the steps below.
1. Navigate to Transactions>Bank>Banking Import History>Upload File
2. Download the template/format file that you will use as your guide when preparing the bank file to upload. Once you downloaded the CSV Template, the bank data you have should be edited using this template. You must have exactly the same headers as shown below.
3. Select the file to upload
4. Click on the Import with a default parser (CSV, OFX, QFX, BAI2, or CAMT.053)
5. Select the bank account you will upload this file for
6. Then Click Import
7. Wait for the notification notice
8. View the file you have uploaded via Transactions>Bank>Banking Import History
9. You will see the file after the successful upload via Transactions>Bank> Match Bank Data
The transactions on the left columns are the bank data you have uploaded, while transactions on the right column are the transactions in Netsuite that you can match to your bank data.
To ensure successful import, the column headings must be in the first row in the specified order as follows: Date (MM/DD/YYYY), Payer/Payee Name, Transaction ID, Transaction Type, Amount, Memo, NS Internal Customer ID, NS Customer Name, Invoice Number(s).
The following column data is required:
- Date (MM/DD/YYYY) – The transaction date. Content must be in the format of MM/DD/YYYY. If you are using Excel, ensure that the date does not get reformatted.
- Payer/Payee Name– Payer or Payee name. There is a limit of 70 characters.
- Transaction ID – Unique Bank Transaction or Reference ID. This can also be populated with the check number. There is a limit of 90 characters.
- Transaction Type – Values in this column must be one of the following transaction types, all uppercase: CREDIT, DEBIT, CHECK, PAYMENT, ACH, INTEREST, DEPOSIT, TRANSFER, FEE, OTHER.
- Amount – The amount column must be a single column. If your file contains CREDIT and DEBIT columns, combine them into a single amount column. Positive amounts are CREDITS. Negative amounts are DEBITS, and must begin with a minus sign or be in parentheses.
The amount column must not contain currency symbols or commas instead of decimal places. The amount currency should be in the same currency as the selected account.
- Memo – There is a limit of 4000 characters for the memo. The Memo field must not include any commas, semicolons or underscores.
- NS Internal Customer ID - (Optional) The NetSuite internal customer ID. Content must be numeric. There is a limit of 12 characters.
- NS Customer Name - (Optional) If the specified customer ID does not match any data, NetSuite uses the value to look up the customer ID. Content is free-form text. There is a limit of 512 characters.
- Invoice Number(s) - (Optional) A comma-separated list of invoice numbers in a single field, with no spaces between numbers (for example, 132,133,134). If you use a script or comma-separated file instead of the CSV template in a spreadsheet, put quotation marks around multiple invoice numbers (for example, “132,133,134”). For each invoice number in the list, there is a limit of 128 characters. If the imported file specifies multiple invoices for a transaction, they must all belong to same customer and AR account.
**1. If you are using Excel, ensure the file is UTF-8 encoded. Go to File > Save As, and then select CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited) (*.csv) from the file format list.