Create a saved search for sales orders with their related item fulfilment records.
1. Go to Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches > New.
2. Select Transaction.
3. Enter Name for the Title.
4. Mark Public.
5. Enter the following in the Criteria tab:
---Type = is Sales Order
---Applying Transaction... Type = Item Fulfillment
***You may enter other fields as necessary like Date filter or Customer Name or any other filters as desired to narrow down the Search.
6. Enter the following in the Results tab:
Field | Summary Type
Date | Group
Document Number | Group
Name | Group
***You may enter other fields you intend to have on the report.
7. Click Save & Run.
This will generate a summary list of all the Sales Orders with Item Fulfillment on the Related Records tab. This is grouped per Document Number since a Sales Order may have more than one line item and will all appear in the report if not grouped. To look into the details of the Sales Order, you may click on the Document Number link.