This section includes the prerequisites and instructions for installing the Bank Feeds SuiteApp.
Before you install the Bank Feeds SuiteApp, go to Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features, and then click the SuiteCloud tab. Make sure that the following features are enabled on your account:
Custom Records
Client SuiteScript
Server SuiteScript
Before using the SuiteApp, make sure that the bank accounts that you want to connect and set up for bank feeds are registered for online banking.
You must also enable popups in your browser to display the configuration window during bank feeds setup.
Important notice: if you are on a JCurve ERP edition, you will not be able to install Bank Feeds Suiteapp without the Script Enabler bundle enabled. This should be installed by the JCurve Support team. Prior to the installation of BankFeeds - you may check the Financial Institution (Bank Compatibility)
Any role with access to the SuiteApp Marketplace in NetSuite can install the Bank Feeds SuiteApp. For more information about the SuiteApp Marketplace.
To install the Bank Feeds SuiteApp:
Go to SuiteApps.
Note: The SuiteApps menu is not available for the following centers:
Advanced Partner Center
Employee Center
Partner Center
Vendor Center
From the listed SuiteApps, search Bank Feeds SuiteApp in the Search Apps field.
Click the Bank Feeds SuiteApp tile.
4. Navigate to the top right area of the Bank Feeds SuiteApp details page and click Install.
For more information about installing a SuiteApp from the SuiteApp Marketplace.
Removes the connectivity and parser plug-in from the format profiles provisioned by the Bank Feeds SuiteApp. The Connectivity Method field in the format profiles is changed to Manual Import, and the Transaction Parser field is cleared.
Inactivates the format profiles provisioned by the Bank Feeds SuiteApp. To reactivate the format profiles, you need to select a new parser plug-in for each record.
If you no longer need a format profile, you should delete it.
The Bank Feeds SuiteApp is a managed SuiteApp and is automatically updated whenever there are enhancements or new features added.