Difference Between the Two Status Fields in Estimates
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July 28, 2023 at 1:16:04 AM PDT July 28, 2023 at 1:16:04 AM PDTth, July 28, 2023 at 1:16:04 AM PDT
On an Estimate record, users can see two fields with the same name but do not contain the same value. These two fields both indicate the Statusof the transaction.
The Status field with field ID: entitystatus represents the stage of advancement in the negotiation.
It conditions the value of the field Probability, and possible values such as Qualified, Proposal, In Negotiation, Purchasing, etc.
The other Status field, which can be seen in the upper part of the form upon first saving, is a rather general Status that indicates whether the Estimate is currently Open, Processed, Closed, or Expired.
Its value is automatically set, given the values of the other Status field, and the date value set in the Expires field.
Note:This information is specifically useful when users want to display the Status of the Estimates in a Saved Search Results column.