Forecasting Preferences
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July 28, 2023 at 12:56:02 AM PDT July 28, 2023 at 12:56:02 AM PDTth, July 28, 2023 at 12:56:02 AM PDT
You can set your company forecast preferences atSetup > Sales & Marketing Automation > Sales Preferences.
Click the Forecasts subtab.
The following are the available preferences:
Calculate Forecasts as Weighted Check this box if you want forecast totals weighted. NetSuite calculates weighted amounts by multiplying the probability by the projected amount of each transaction.
Forecast Quarterly (vs. Monthly) Check this box to edit forecasts and establish quotas by quarter rather than by month.
Minimum Forecast Probability(Available only when the Advanced Forecasting feature is not enabled.) Enter the minimum probability that an opportunity or estimate must have to be included in sales forecasts.
Low Forecast Name(requires the Advanced Forecasting feature) Enter the name your company uses for the lowest forecast or worst-case forecast category. Use this category for the forecast amounts that are very likely to be converted to a sale.
Medium Forecast Name(requires the Advanced Forecasting feature) Enter the name your company uses for the medium or most likely forecast category. Use this category for deals that are likely but not certain to be converted to a sale.
High Forecast Name(requires the Advanced Forecasting feature) Enter the name your company uses for the highest or upside forecast category. Use this category for deals that are early in the sales process or are not likely to be converted to a sale.
Default Forecast Type Select the forecast type you want set on estimates and opportunities, by default. You can change the forecast type for each individual transaction.
Use Estimates in Forecast Check this box if you want to include estimates in forecast reports, snapshots, and key performance indicators.
Multiple Projected Amounts(requires the Advanced Forecasting feature) Check this box to enter multiple projected amounts on opportunities. When you use this preference, you enter a range of projected amounts on opportunities.
Forecast Accuracy (Weekly View) Determine at which point in the week you want to compare the sales forecast to the actual sales for the period. Select the day and time of the forecast you want to show in the report.
You can set this preference to coincide with a weekly deadline that you set for your sales reps to save their forecasts.
Allow Setting Status in Forecast Editor Check this box if you want to permit sales reps to adjust the statuses of opportunities and estimates when they save their forecasts.
Allow Setting Probability in Forecast Editor Check this box if you want to permit sales reps to adjust the probability of opportunities and estimates when they save their forecasts.
When you are finished, click Save.