Pay Run Journals > Get a Breakdown of Account-specific Amount in the Journal

Written by
Marsha Andres
Published on
October 22, 2023 at 11:41:20 PM PDT October 22, 2023 at 11:41:20 PM PDTnd, October 22, 2023 at 11:41:20 PM PDT


User is preparing for their budgets for upcoming fiscal year and noticed that when running their Profit and Loss report, a specific account ought not to be used displays certain figures for specific periods instead of displaying zero (0) amount.

When drilling on the report, user is presented with Journals related to the Pay Run record. As the Journal Entry displays a total amount, user would like to know what is the break down of this and review the details.


To verify the total amount, user can go to the Transactions tab of the Pay Run record to locate the amount displayed in the Journal. Next is to create a Payslip Detail search by following steps below:

  1. Navigate to JCurve Payroll
  2. Expand Payroll Records and locate Payslip Detail Records
  3. Click Search
  4. Click Create Saved Search
  5. Set Search Title
  6. Criteria:
    • Enter the Pay Run ID (e.g. Standard Fortnightly - 27/8/2023)
  7. Results:
    • OTE Amount field: Set the SummaryType to Sum
    • P&L Account field: Set the SummaryType to Group
  8. Click Save & Run

After displaying the search results, user can drill down to the P&L Account to see the breakdown of the amount.