Setting a Service Item to Create a Project
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October 1, 2024 at 2:49:37 AM PDT October 1, 2024 at 2:49:37 AM PDTst, October 1, 2024 at 2:49:37 AM PDT
Utilizing Project Management, you can establish a service item that generates a project each time the item is sold. This functionality applies exclusively to Service For Sale and Service for Resale items. You can specify a service item to initiate project creation and outline the associated tasks. Subsequently, after the sale of these items, you can efficiently generate projects in bulk from sales transactions.
The initial step involves configuring the item records for your service items. To set up a service item for project creation, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to Lists > Accounting > Items.
2. Click Edit next to the respective service item.
3. On the item record, access the Related Records subtab.
4. Click the Projects subtab.
5. Enable the Create Project option.
6. If you wish to employ a predefined project template for projects originating from this service item, select a template in the Project Template field.
7. In case you opt not to use a predefined project template, you must define the tasks essential for completing the project. For each task, follow these steps:
- Enter the task name in the Task Template Name field, which is the name displayed on project records created for this item.
- Specify the start date of the tasks relative to the project start date in the Start Date Offset field (e.g., entering 2 if the task starts two days after the project start date).
- Indicate the total number of hours typically required to complete the task in the Effort (hours) field. This sets the initial time budget for the task on project records created for this item.
NOTE: When configuring tasks for a service-for-sale item, the task duration does not consider weekends. For instance, an 80-hour duration sets the end date 10 days after the start date.
8. Click Add.
9. Click Save.
Following the item setup, when you sell the item, you can create a project record from the Bulk Projects queue. This project incorporates tasks from the template specified on the item record. To create project records from sales items, navigate to Transactions > Customers > Create Projects. For additional details, refer to the section on "Creating Projects from Sales Transactions."
To view the list of projects, go to Lists > Relationships > Projects. Click Edit next to a project in the list to open the record and assign tasks to personnel.