Importing Work Instructions in Work Instructions and Traveler SuiteApp

Written by
Milkie Fernandez
Published on
June 30, 2023 at 9:15:48 AM PDT June 30, 2023 at 9:15:48 AM PDTth, June 30, 2023 at 9:15:48 AM PDT

You can import the work instructions by mapping the fields in the manufacturing routing record of the Work Instructions & Traveler SuiteApp with the mappings in the CSV file.

If you are importing work instructions from the Advanced Manufacturing SuiteApp, refer the following table to map the fields.

Advanced Manufacturing SuiteApp FieldsWork Instructions & Traveler SuiteApp Fields
RoutingManufacturing Routing
Routing : Bill of MaterialsBill of Materials
Operation SeqOperation ID
Process NotesProcess Notes
AM Mfg Work Bench Wrk Inst: Sequence NoSequence Number
AM Mfg Work Bench Wrk Inst: Text LineWork Instructions
AM Mfg Work Bench Wrk Inst: DocumentURL