Remove an Employee from the Sales Rep Field > Unable to Locate the Employee Record

Written by
Denise Cuarto
Published on
September 14, 2023 at 1:55:36 AM PDT September 14, 2023 at 1:55:36 AM PDTth, September 14, 2023 at 1:55:36 AM PDT


The user wants to remove one of the employees listed on the standard Sales Rep field in entity/transaction records. However, when the user navigates to the Lists > Employees > Employees, the employee is not listed. The employee may have a generic name such as "Pre-Sales, Sales - Professional Services, Accounts, Marketing Team", etc.



1. Using your administrator role, navigate to Setup > Company > Enable Features.

2. Under CRM tab, look for a checkbox labeled as 'Team Selling' and tick it.


3. Once it is saved, navigate to Setup > Sales > Sales Team.

4. By default, the Filters are collapsed so click to expand. Then by default is 'My Sales Teams', select 'All Sales Teams' to show all.


5. Edit the sales team record then tick INACTIVE box, and save the change.

6. Navigate back to the Enable Features page and under CRM tab, untick the 'Team Selling' box.

NOTE: This should remove the sales team from the Sales Rep field.