Articles tagged #SCRIPT
Articles tagged
Triggering Scripts and Workflows on CSV Import
User Event scripts and workflows can be triggered using CSV Import by enabling the feature "Run Server SuiteScript and Trigger Workflows"
Prevent User Event Scripts Running On CSV Imports
With the "Run Server SuiteScript and Trigger Workflows" option enabled (inSetup > Import/Export > CSV Import Preferences) User Event scripts deployed on a record will also run for CSV Imports for the very same record.
Use Script Function to Avoid Blank Cells When Generating CSV File via SuiteScript
The data from the field must first undergo this logic so that it can be formatted to fit through a single column each time a data is being passed and assigned to a column. This will avoid a next line placement for each line within the item description.
CSV Import Execution Context in User Event Scripts
Trigger User Events scripts in CSV Imports.
How to Create a Script That Parses CSV Files
Some records are not available for CSV import, but it might access through scripts. Therefore, a script might import records or use a CSV file to perform some other action.
Script To Update Multi-Select Field on Save
The article applies to a very specific scenario, but it also demonstrates how to useSuiteScriptto set values on Multi-Select Fields in NetSuite.
Retrieve Values for Multi-Select Field Being Return by nlapiLookupField
Using nlapiLoadRecord then nlobjRecord.getFieldTexts function to retrieve multi-select field selected values will return an array. However this is not the case when you try to retrieve values using nlapiLookupField as it will return String values.
Transfer Values from a Multiselect Field to Another Custom Multi Select Field via Script
To be able to transfer values from a field to another field via script.
Retrieve Values from a Multi-Select Field via Scripting
If multi-select custom field exists on a sales order, the values should be retrieved that are present on an existing record.
List of Time Zone IDs for Scripting
Developers may need to use internal IDs of the time zone depending on their business needs.
Setting Up the SFTP Connector SuiteApp
Make sure the following features are enabled in your account prior to installing the SFTP Connector SuiteApp:
SFTP Connector SuiteApp
The SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) Connector SuiteApp enables you to directly transfer your payment files from NetSuite to your bank servers. You can also download files from your bank server to NetSuite. The SuiteApp establishes an SFTP connection between your NetSuite account and a remote SFTP server.
Unexpected Error Encountered When Connecting to SFTP Server Using SuiteScript
When connecting to SFTP server when using N/sftp module, users can get unexpected error.
Setting up an SFTP Transfer
Follow these steps to successfully connect to your SFTP server with SuiteScript:
Supported SuiteScript File Types
SuiteScript has two types of file objects: previously existing files in the NetSuite File Cabinet, and on demand files created using SuiteScript API calls such asfile.create(options)
SuiteScript - Troubleshoot SFTP Connections and Errors
When using the N/sftpSuiteScript 2.0Module in NetSuite, problems may be encountered during the development of Script that will use it. Therefore, is highly recommended to verify all the necessary settings and possible limitations when using this Module. Below are some considerations that need to be taken with the N/sftp Module. These are good practices which we strongly recommend to be taken when using this Module.
SuiteScript Throwing MUTUALLY_EXCLUSIVE_ARGUMENTS Error During SFTP Connection
When there is a use case to send 2 types of authentication at the same time, the below code throws error MUTUALLY_EXCLUSIVE_ARGUMENTS.
Change the Scheduled Script for Pre-compute for Fixed Asset Management to Daily
Part of theFixed Assets Managementfeature is a scheduled script that runsweekly by default to check which assets do not have depreciation schedules. The user would like to change the schedule for this script todaily.
Invoke a Script Function from Another Script Referenced as Script Library
User can call (invoke) a Script library function by another script packing the generic functionality of the code as Library.