Articles tagged #LOCATION
Articles tagged
Item Settings and Stock Levels for Multi-Locations
After you distribute existing unallocated inventory or when you enter new item records, you can configure item settings per location. On item records, you can set a preferred location, reorder point, and preferred stock level. You can also view quantities or inventory levels.
Sales by Items Summary Report > Last Purchase Price on Specific Items are blank
User is running a custom Sales by Item Summary Report and noticed that some items display a blank Last Purchase Price but others are displaying the Last Purchase Price correctly.
Resolve Error "Failure: Please Enter Value for Location" Threw During Bulk Bill
When a user is processing Bulk Billing an error occurs.
Add a Custom Column (Checkbox) in the Inventory Location Sublist on Item Records
On the item record, a user wants to flag an item by having a custom checkbox, but only specific to certain locations and not all locations.
Resolve Error: Enter Values For Serial/Lot Number when Billing a Sales Order
The user gets the error saying:Please enter value(s):for Serial/Lot Numberwhen billing theSales Order.
Make Custom Fields on Locations Inactive
The users are not allowed to customize Location Record Forms. Here are the steps to make the custom fieldsmandatory:
Make Custom Fields on Locations Mandatory
Here are the steps to make thecustom fieldsmandatory:
Estimated Unit Cost in Inventory Adjustment for New Location (Multi-Location Inventory)
Basic Inventory Transfers
An inventory transfer decreases items in the source location and increases them in the receiving location, all in one step. Use the Transfer Inventory form to post information regarding changes in inventory levels for each item in each location.
Item Search to see which Item does not have a Preferred Location
Item Search to see which Item does not have a Preferred Location