Setup & Customisation
Send Email to Multiple Recipients from a Multi-select field via Workflow
If a user retrieves the value from a multi-select field, it will be in an array.Send Email actionon the other handis similar tonlapiSendEmailAPI which states that a valid recipient it will accept should be any of the following:
Transfer Values from a Multiselect Field to Another Custom Multi Select Field via Script
To be able to transfer values from a field to another field via script.
Retrieve Values from a Multi-Select Field via Scripting
If multi-select custom field exists on a sales order, the values should be retrieved that are present on an existing record.
List of Time Zone IDs for Scripting
Developers may need to use internal IDs of the time zone depending on their business needs.
Best Practices for Designing HTML Templates for Use with Marketing Campaigns and Email Templates
Best Practices for Designing HTML templates for use with Marketing Campaigns and Email Templates.
Searching for a Private Bundle created in Sandbox
Using the Basic Search option does not work in the Production Account if the Bundle created is from the Sandbox Account. As mentioned in the Field Help, Private/Restricted Bundles should be accessible to the accounts where users have an Administrator Role. Using the Advanced Search option can show the Bundle.
Disallow Users From Accessing the SuiteBundler Page
User wants to restrict their employees from accessing the SuiteBundler page.
Filter Values From a Multi-Select Item Field to a Transaction Line Field
In some business use case, it is needed to source values from a Multi-Select Field that would be displayed to a Custom Line Field. This can be done by creating a Custom List, Custom Multi-Select Field and then applying the result on a Custom Line Field.
Unselect or Deselect All Values to Make the Field Blank in Multi Select Field
Multi Select Field does not have a blank option. Users are unable to unselect/deselect all values to make the field blank.
Custom Role Unable to Access Custom Record Type
Custom Role is unable to access a specific list of Custom Record Type even when the Permission has Access Level of Edit under Role Record > Permissions tab > Custom Record subtab.
Alternate way to edit a locked custom list/record field from a bundle
User needs to update a field however it is locked and can't be edited.
Add Project Name to Customer Statements
Currently, there is no way to print Transaction Body/Line Fields that have been sourced from a different record on Advanced PDF/HTML Templates. A custom field and workflow can be used as a workaround for this limitation.
View Company URLs for Services in This NetSuite Account
You can view the URLs for all NetSuite services for this account on the Company URLs subtab. The information shown on this subtab is not editable, it is provided for your convenience. Developers and other users in your account may need to know the account-specific URLs for a particular service. The URLs are unique to each account, so the URLs for your sandbox accounts and your Release Preview account are different from the URLs for your production account. Log in to a specific account to view the unique URLs for that account.
Enter Company Address Information
You can define separate shipping and return addresses, in addition to the main address defined for your company. If you do not define a separate shipping or return address, it defaults to be the same as the main address. You do not need to define a billing address at the company level. Billing addresses can be defined on transactions as needed.
Enter Basic Company Information
Enter the information about your company to be used for this NetSuite account.
Configuring Company Information
The Company Information page is where users with the Administrator role, or with the Set Up Company permission, can enter basic identifying information for an account. See the following topics for more information:
Setting Up the SFTP Connector SuiteApp
Make sure the following features are enabled in your account prior to installing the SFTP Connector SuiteApp:
SFTP Connector SuiteApp
The SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) Connector SuiteApp enables you to directly transfer your payment files from NetSuite to your bank servers. You can also download files from your bank server to NetSuite. The SuiteApp establishes an SFTP connection between your NetSuite account and a remote SFTP server.
Unexpected Error Encountered When Connecting to SFTP Server Using SuiteScript
When connecting to SFTP server when using N/sftp module, users can get unexpected error.
Setting up an SFTP Transfer
Follow these steps to successfully connect to your SFTP server with SuiteScript: